What happened?

Ok, let's talk about failure for a second...

What does it mean to fail? Here are the Merriam-Webster definitions for failure:

1. omission of occurrence or performance
2. lack of success
3. a falling short

I'd say this week qualifies as failure with my language-learning goals. 😩

What happened? Was it motivation? Was it fatigue? Was it time? Was it different priorities? Honestly,  it might be a mix of all four. Usually I try to do at least one quick lesson in Chinese each day. (This only takes 5 minutes so it really should be easy to fit in.) Did I do Spanish Saturday? Nope, not really. I mean, I went to this big Latino event, but I honestly didn't even speak that much Spanish. People automatically spoke to me in English (I think it might be the blondish hair). But I did get to do a bit of dancing, which is always good 👍 I also did not review my Advanced Spanish Grammar book... Oyy, now I feel guilty. OR watch any shows in other languages! Goodness... maybe I was distracted by my mom's adorable new puppy?


Ok, so how can I get back on track this week? One thing that is motivating me is that the next video post is coming up in a couple of weeks, so I want to show at least a little improvement compared to the last one. And I just realized it's going to be Thanksgiving weekend! Uh oh, not sure how much practice I'll be getting that week. Another thing that I'll be doing that usually motivates me is listening to the Actual Fluency Podcast. You can check it out here. It's always inspiring to hear other language-learners' stories and it makes me feel like I can do that too! I just have to actually do it, and stop wasting time perusing Facebook or playing games on my phone. I won't be around forever.

Let's face it. Perfect is unreachable. One can try their best, but won't ever be perfect. We have ON weeks. We have OFF weeks. It's OKAY. I have to be grateful for the fact that there's really no deadline for learning languages for me. I make timely goals for myself, but if I don't reach them, I can always continue learning.

Don't be so hard on yourself if you've made goals and you're not quite reaching them. Just sit down, think about what went wrong, and look for ways to improve. Do it better the next time. I plan to have a better update for all of you next week.

Leave me a comment about a time when you made a personal goal, didn't reach it, and maybe came back to do even better! Or not, sometimes we realize we're not that motivated to make that goal come true and that it's not such a big priority for us. Tell me about that too! Exercise goals are a common one that brings failure haha it happens to me almost every week...

Catch ya next time!


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